Discûscioîn ûtente:ZeneizeForesto/Archìvio
ZeneizeForesto - Buenos Aires, Argentinn-a
Italian as fallback
[modìfica wikitèsto]Please see Wikipedia:Bar#Italian, it's important. SPQRobin@betawiki 12:56, 5 Zenâ 2008 (UTC)
[modìfica wikitèsto]Hi ZeneizeForesto! Another comment from me :-) I see you speak this language at a native level. Why don't you want to help translating the interface of this language? You can do that at Betawiki. If you translate there, your translations will be available on every MediaWiki wiki, this includes all Wikimedia wikis. More advantages are: you can translate the namespaces (Help, User, ...) and special page names (Allpages, Recentchanges, ...) on betawiki:Special:Magic. There is also a special infrastructure which allows easy translating. I hope I convinced you to come to Betawiki. If so, follow the instructions on betawiki:Translating:How to start. Any questions, feel free to ask on my talk page at Betawiki. Thank you very much! SPQRobin@Betawiki 12:56, 20 January 2008 (UTC)
Reaching the target for MediaWiki most used core messages
[modìfica wikitèsto]Hi, ZeneizeForesto.
As you probably know, in Betawiki, there is a group of MediaWiki messages considered essential for a minimum localization to any language. That group is called MediaWiki core message (most used). When a language reaches a translation level of at least 98% of these messages, it is considered to have the essential localization. As of end of March, there were 95 of the 311 languages at this level and it would be great to further increase that number. As Ligurian is currently at 92.87%, very little effort would be needed to reach 98%, or even better, 100%. Therefore, I would like to invite you to complete the missing translations and make Ligurian be part of the list of essentialy localized languages.
Thanks for your attention and best regards, Malafaya 13:09, 27 Arv 2008 (UTC)
[modìfica wikitèsto]Me son inscrïto pe divegnì Ammenestratô. O mæ intento o l'ê de mette ordine innansi tutto in-ta grafîa, insemme a di esperti di grafîa offiçiâ zeneize, primma in-ta homepage e da peu in-te tutte e atre pagine. Votime pe piaxei. --F.noceti 17:44, 22 Maz 2008 (UTC)
Request for Help, please
[modìfica wikitèsto]Greetings ZeneizeForesto,
Could you kindly help me translate these passages into unique and wonderful Ligurian language? Please.
- "Gesù Cristo, la parola che si è trasformata in carne, morto sulla croce per l'estinzione dei peccati, risorto il terzo giorno ed asceso al cielo. È l'unico salvatore dell'umanità, creatore del cielo e della terra e unico dio".
- "La Santa Bibbia, composta dal Vecchio e dal Nuovo Testamento, è ispirata da Dio, ed è l'unica fonte scritta di rivelazione della verità divina. Essa contiene tutte le norme di comportamento a cui deve conformarsi chi vuole vivere da vero Cristiano"
- "La salvezza si ottiene per grazia divina attraverso la fede. I credenti devono fare affidamento sullo Spirito Santo per aspirare alla santità, onorare Dio, ed amare il prossimo"
Your help would be very gratefully appreciated, Thankyou very much. --Jose77 04:41, 25 Maz 2008 (UTC)