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Uténte con 3 modìfiche. Uténsa creâ o 6 agó 2007.
16 dex 2021
- 09:3109:31, 16 dex 2021 dif stö −9 m Lengua tedesca bassa link fix
27 zen 2010
- 20:5720:57, 27 zen 2010 dif stö +415 Lengua tedesca bassa Nisciùn ògètto de modìfica
6 agó 2007
- 17:1217:12, 6 agó 2007 dif stö +337 N Discûscion:Lengua tedesca bassa New page: Hello, sorry for writing English. The article mentions that the language is spoken in Poland. This is true only historically. Wide parts of the North of todays Poland were Low Saxon. But a... prezénte