Wikipedia:Bar/Archìvio 2016
Ligurian is missing
[modìfica wikitèsto]Ligurian is missing from this page:
More than 100 languages are now listed.
Thank you, Varlaam (discuscioin) 06:38, 25 Zen 2016 (UTC)
VisualEditor News #1—2016
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Did you know?
Since the last newsletter, the VisualEditor Team has fixed many bugs. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are improving support for Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indic, and Han scripts, and improving the single edit tab interface.
Recent changes
[modìfica wikitèsto]You can switch from the wikitext editor to the visual editor after you start editing. This function is available to nearly all editors at most wikis except the Wiktionaries and Wikisources.
Many local feedback pages for the visual editor have been redirected to mw:VisualEditor/Feedback.
You can now re-arrange columns and rows in tables, as well as copying a row, column or any other selection of cells and pasting it in a new location.
The formula editor has two options: you can choose "Quick edit" to see and change only the LaTeX code, or "Edit" to use the full tool. The full tool offers immediate preview and an extensive list of symbols.
Future changes
[modìfica wikitèsto]The single edit tab project will combine the "Modìfica" and "Modìfica wikitèsto" tabs into a single "Modìfica" tab. This is similar to the system already used on the mobile website. (T102398) Initially, the "Modìfica" tab will open whichever editing environment you used last time. Your last editing choice will be stored as an account preference for logged-in editors, and as a cookie for logged-out users. Logged-in editors will have these options in the Cazélla de modìfica tab of Special:Preferences:
- Aregordite o mæ urtimo editor,
- Damme sempre l'editor vixoâ, se poscibbile,
- Damme sempre l'editor wikitesto, and
- Mostrime tutte doe e schede de modiffica. (This is the state for people using the visual editor now.)
The visual editor uses the same search engine as Special:Search to find links and files. This search will get better at detecting typos and spelling mistakes soon. These improvements to search will appear in the visual editor as well.
The visual editor will be offered to all editors at most "Phase 6" Wikipedias during the next few months. This will affect the following languages, amongst others: Japanese, Korean, Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Tamil, Marathi, Malayalam, Hindi, Bengali, Assamese, Thai, Aramaic.
Let's work together
[modìfica wikitèsto]- Please try out the newest version of the single edit tab on You may need to restore the default preferences (at the bottom of test2wiki:Special:Preferences) to see the initial prompt for options. Were you able to find a preference setting that will work for your own editing? Did you see the large preferences dialog box when you started editing an article there?
- Can you read and type in Korean, Arabic, Japanese, Indic, or Han scripts? Does typing in these languages feels natural in the visual editor? Language engineer David Chan needs to know. Please see the instructions at mw:VisualEditor/IME Testing#What to test if you can help. Please post your comments and the language(s) that you tested at the feedback thread on
- Learn how to improve the "automagical" citoid referencing system in the visual editor, by creating Zotero translators for popular sources in your language! Join the Tech Talk about "Automated citations in Wikipedia: Citoid and the technology behind it" with Sebastian Karcher on 29 February 2016.
If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Gràçie!
Elitre (WMF), 19:21, 26 Fre 2016 (UTC)
Editing News #2—2016
[modìfica wikitèsto]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Since the last newsletter, the VisualEditor Team has fixed many bugs. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are improving support for Arabic and Indic scripts, and adapting the visual editor to the needs of the Wikivoyages and Wikisources.
Recent changes
[modìfica wikitèsto]The visual editor is now available to all users at most Wikivoyages. It was also enabled for all contributors at the French Wikinews.
The single edit tab feature combines the "Modìfica" and "Modìfica wikitèsto" tabs into a single "Modìfica" tab. It has been deployed to several Wikipedias, including Hungarian, Polish, English and Japanese Wikipedias, as well as to all Wikivoyages. At these wikis, you can change your settings for this feature in the "Cazélla de modìfica" tab of Special:Preferences. The team is now reviewing the feedback and considering ways to improve the design before rolling it out to more people.
Future changes
[modìfica wikitèsto]The "Sàrva a pàgina" button will say "Pùbrica a pàgina". This will affect both the visual and wikitext editing systems. More information is available on Meta.
The visual editor will be offered to all editors at the remaining "Phase 6" Wikipedias during the next few months. The developers want to know whether typing in your language feels natural in the visual editor. Please post your comments and the language(s) that you tested at the feedback thread on This will affect several languages, including: Arabic, Hindi, Thai, Tamil, Marathi, Malayalam, Urdu, Persian, Bengali, Assamese, Aramaic and others.
The team is working with the volunteer developers who power Wikisource to provide the visual editor there, for opt-in testing right now and eventually for all users. (T138966)
The team is working on a modern wikitext editor. It will look like the visual editor, and be able to use the citoid service and other modern tools. This new editing system may become available as a Beta Feature on desktop devices around September 2016. You can read about this project in a general status update on the Wikimedia mailing list.
Let's work together
[modìfica wikitèsto]- Do you teach new editors how to use the visual editor? Did you help set up the Citoid automatic reference feature for your wiki? Have you written or imported TemplateData for your most important citation templates? Would you be willing to help new editors and small communities with the visual editor? Please sign up for the new VisualEditor Community Taskforce.
- Learn how to improve the "automagical" citoid referencing system in the visual editor, by creating Zotero translators for popular sources in your language! Watch the Tech Talk by Sebastian Karcher for more information.
If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Gràçie!
m:User:Elitre (WMF), 17:20, 3 Lûg 2016 (UTC)
WikiCon IT
[modìfica wikitèsto]Salve a tutti! Con Jaqen e CristianNX ci è ci è venuta la pazza idea di organizzare una WikiConference italiana, su modello delle esperienze di altri paesi (ad es. quella tedesca). AlessioMela e altri si sono prontamente detti disponibili a dare una mano. Si tratterebbe, in breve, di una tre giorni (da venerdì alla domenica) di incontri fra utenti di Wikipedia e degli altri progetti Wikimedia. L'idea è di farla a Trento in primavera 2017. Abbiamo creato la pagina su Meta per chiedere finanziamenti a Wikimedia Foundation (l'idea è anche quella di coprire ai partecipanti vitto e alloggio, e a quanti possibile anche le spese di viaggio).
Al momento chiaramente è solo una bozza, ma è già possibile dare il proprio endorsement. Inoltre, per aiutarci a organizzare sarebbe importante avere un'idea di quanta gente potrebbe partecipare: se vi va potete farcelo sapere qui, nella talk su meta, via mail a me, ecc. So che senza nemmeno sapere quando sarà è difficile rispondere, ma ci basta anche un "forse parteciperò".
La sezione Partecipants su meta invece non è per chi semplicemente parteciperà, ma per chi dà una mano, e in effetti se avete voglia di dare una mano siete più che i benvenuti. Troveremo sicuramente qualcosa da farvi fare :)
Dite anche se avete idee sul programma (es. qualcosa di cui secondo voi bisognerebbe assolutamente parlare). Potete scriverlo qua, o direttamente a me. Chiaramente più avanti abbiamo intenzione di mettere in piedi un sistema meglio strutturato, ma intanto ci pare utile raccogliere idee.
In caso di qualunque dubbio, suggerimento, ecc. siamo a disposizione! Yiyi (discussioni) 08:47, 20 Lój 2016 (UTC)
Contributo dei lettori
[modìfica wikitèsto]Ciao a tutti, probabilmente non l'avete ancora vista: c'è una pagina su dedicata alla discussione di idee di progetti, nell'ambito dei quali i lettori possano fare dei contributi preziosi per la missione di Wikimedia e utili anche per gli editor. Dateci un'occhiata e aggiungete lì i vostri commenti. Grazie! --Melamrawy (WMF) (talk) 11:48, 9 Set 2016 (UTC)
- (PS: Se può esservi utile per rispondere, provate a porvi questa semplice domanda: che tipo di compiti potrebbero essere intrapresi da lettori o contributori saltuari, e quali allo stesso tempo sono necessari (e ben accetti!) per gli editor? ----Elitre (WMF) (discuscioin) 11:48, 9 Set 2016 (UTC) )
Editing News #3—2016
[modìfica wikitèsto]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Since the last newsletter, the VisualEditor Team has mainly worked on a new wikitext editor. They have also released some small features and the new map editing tool. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. You can find links to the list of work finished each week at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. Their current priorities are fixing bugs, releasing the 2017 wikitext editor as a beta feature, and improving language support.
Recent changes
[modìfica wikitèsto]- You can now set text as small or big.[1]
- Invisible templates have been shown as a puzzle icon. Now, the name of the invisible template is displayed next to the puzzle icon.[2] A similar feature will display the first part of hidden HTML comments.[3]
- Categories are displayed at the bottom of each page. If you click on the categories, the dialog for editing categories will open.[4]
- At many wikis, you can now add maps to pages. Go to the Insert menu and choose the "Maps" item. The Discovery department is adding more features to this area, like geoshapes. You can read more at[5]
- The "Save" button now says "Save page" when you create a page, and "Save changes" when you change an existing page.[6] In the future, the "Sàrva a pàgina" button will say "Pùbrica a pàgina". This will affect both the visual and wikitext editing systems. More information is available on Meta.
- Image galleries now use a visual mode for editing. You can see thumbnails of the images, add new files, remove unwanted images, rearrange the images by dragging and dropping, and add captions for each image. Use the "Options" tab to set the gallery's display mode, image sizes, and add a title for the gallery.[7]
Future changes
[modìfica wikitèsto]The visual editor will be offered to all editors at the remaining 10 "Phase 6" Wikipedias during the next month. The developers want to know whether typing in your language feels natural in the visual editor. Please post your comments and the language(s) that you tested at the feedback thread on This will affect several languages, including Thai, Burmese and Aramaic.
The team is working on a modern wikitext editor. The 2017 wikitext editor will look like the visual editor and be able to use the citoid service and other modern tools. This new editing system may become available as a Beta Feature on desktop devices in October 2016. You can read about this project in a general status update on the Wikimedia mailing list.
Let's work together
[modìfica wikitèsto]- Do you teach new editors how to use the visual editor? Did you help set up the Citoid automatic reference feature for your wiki? Have you written or imported TemplateData for your most important citation templates? Would you be willing to help new editors and small communities with the visual editor? Please sign up for the new VisualEditor Community Taskforce.
- If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Gràçie!
17:49, 15 Öto 2016 (UTC)