Discûscioîn ûtente:Bgmaster
Salûo! Benvegnûo inta Wikipedia Lìgure, a lìbera enciclopedîa, de badda scrîta con l'agiùtto de tùtti. Vîva Zêna, vîva San Zòrzo! Alêgri!
Tégni prezente che in questa Wikipedia scrivemmo e parlemmo quæxi sénpre in ZENEIZE (genovese). --Luensu1959 (discuscioin) 15:57, 3 màz 2019 (UTC)
your user page
[modìfica wikitèsto]Hi, I see that Italian is not your working language, nor is Genoese. As we usually write in Genoese on this Wiki, we wouldn't mind if you added some lines in French and possibly in English. French has many similarities with Genoese, actually. All the best, --Luenséin (discuscioin) 14:03, 8 màz 2019 (UTC)