Sâta a-o contegnûo

Discûscioîn ûtente:Pathoschild

Contegnûi da pàgina no suportæ in de âtre léngoe.
Da Wikipedia
Babel uténte
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
fr-N Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
lij-0 St'uténte chi o no l'é in gràddo de comunicâ in lìgure (ò o capìsce sôlo con tànta dificoltæ).
Uténti pe léngoa

m:Discûscioîn ûtente:Pathoschild

Benvegnûo inta Wiki Lìgure

[modìfica wikitèsto]

Salûo! Benvegnûo inta Wikipedia Lìgure, a lìbera enciclopedîa, de badda scrîta con l'agiùtto de tùtti. Vîva Zêna, vîva San Zòrzo! Alêgri! Luensu1959 (discuscioin) 10:19, 3 set 2018 (UTC)

Thanks for your support

[modìfica wikitèsto]

Hi Pathoschild, I always wanted to thank you for your support on our small Wikipedia. It's a regional Wikipedia that tries to keep alive a noble language which was spoken through the centuries in the Mediterranean area when Genoa was the superpower No. 1 in Europe. It was spoken by Christopher Columbus and many other illustrious people (Niccolò Paganini, Giuseppe Mazzini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, etc. The list is never-ending). Now Genoese (or Ligurian as it is also known with this name now) is at risk of becoming extinct. That is why we appreciate just any small and sincere contribution in terms of pictures, data or other things that do not imply writing in Genoese if you do not know this language. All the best, Luensu1959 (discuscioin) 10:28, 3 set 2018 (UTC)