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O lògo di Motörhead
Conçerto do Motörhead a Romma into 2007

Motörhead o l'e 'n grûppo de muxicisti ingleixi formòu inta çittæ de Londra into 1975.

  • Motörhead (1977)
  • Overkill (1979)
  • Bomber (1979)
  • Ace of Spades (1980)
  • No Sleep 'til Hammersmith (1981)
  • Iron Fist (1982)
  • Another Perfect Day (1983)
  • Orgasmatron (1986)
  • Rock 'n' Roll (1987)
  • Nö Sleep at All (1988)
  • 1916 (1991)
  • March ör Die (1992)
  • Bastards (1993)
  • Sacrifice (1995)
  • Overnight Sensation (1996)
  • Snake Bite Love (1998)
  • Everything Louder Than Everyone Else (1999)
  • We Are Motörhead (2000)
  • Hammered (2002)
  • Live at Brixton Academy (2003)
  • Inferno (2004)
  • Kiss of Death (2006)
  • Better Motörhead Than Dead - Live at Hammersmith (2007)
  • Motörizer (2008)
  • The Wörld Is Yours (2010)
  • Aftershock (2013)
  • Bad Magic (2015)

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Contròllo de outoritæVIAF (EN125626559 · ISNI (EN0000 0001 0941 0653 · LCCN (ENn92011130 · GND (DE5283786-5 · BNF (FRcb13905101z (data) · WorldCat Identities (ENn92-011130