Mark Twain

Mark Twain o l'ëa o sorvenomme do çellebre scrittô e ûmorista statûnitense Samuel Langhorne Clemens, nasciuo a Florida (Missouri), o 30 novénbre 1835 e mòrto a Redding (Connecticut), o 21 arvî 1910.
[modìfica | modìfica wikitèsto]Tra e sêu êuvie ciû famoze ghe son:
- E avventûe de Tom Sawyer (''The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'')
- O prinçipe e o pòvou (''The Prince and the Pauper'')
- 'N americàn a-a corte do rè Artû (''A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court'')
- E avventûe de Huckleberry Finn (''The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'')
- Vitta inscio Mississippi (''Life on the Mississippi'')
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